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Writer's pictureBriesha Bell

5 Easy Seashell Crafts & Activities to Try with Toddlers

Updated: Jul 11

Toddler hand washing seashells in a clear sensory bin using a toothbrush.

Do you remember being a kid and being captivated by the uniqueness of a seashell? Even as adults, we still harbor (get it?) a captivation with seashells. As adults, we often put seashells on display in our homes or use them to create funky jewelry. There's also the seashells that become prized beach souvenirs.

Seashell crafts allow kiddos to embrace their innate fascination with these gifts from mother nature, while they unconsciously begin developing an appreciation for our earth.

Where to Find Seashells


1. Use Seashells to Print Designs in Play Dough

Orange play dough with seashell print designs. Three seashells rest beside play dough.

Instead of using cookie cutters as your typical play dough accessory, hand your kiddo some ridged seashells. Have them flatten out a large chunk of play dough using a rolling pin (depending on the child’s age/development, they may or may not need help with this step). You’ll probably have to show them once how to make a seashell print. I like to compare it to a dinosaur footprint, because most toddlers are familiar with them. After you show them once, most toddlers will be able to handle making seashell prints on their own! Encourage them to observe whether or not the seashells all create the same print.

If your seashells get all covered in play dough, try not to sweat it- think of it as an excuse to do activity 3 below!


2. Use Seashells as Tinker Toys or Loose Parts

Seashells being used as a tinker toy to guide a toy figure to a wooden castle.

Throw in some little people or wooden peg dolls. Sit back and let their imagination go wild! Maybe a flat shell will become a bed or a huge shell monster? Perhaps a row of shells becomes a path a character has to walk along in order to get home?

Younger toddlers might need a couple suggestions for inspiration and that’s okay. Feel free to give them an idea or two. They’ll likely build an elaborate and detailed story line from your prompts. Brace yourself for another long winded story from your kiddo!


3. Wash Your Collection of Seashells

A set of toddler hands washing seashells in a clear sensory bin using a purple toothbrush.

This seashell activity has been the most popular amongst the kids I've worked with! If possible, use seashells of various textures and sizes. Throw them in a clear sensory bin container (clear storage container or clear Pyrex baking dish works) and add some dishwashing soap or bubble solution. Lather to get the bubbles going. Give the kid an old toothbrush and watch them go to town washing each seashell.


4. Bury Seashells in Sand

A construction truck, seashells, and other toys inside a sandbox.

This activity is like a treasure hunt but instead of hiding treasure, you hide seashells. Not many people have sandboxes these days, but if you do, this is an extra easy activity for you to set up. But if you don’t have a sandbox, like most people, a bulk bag of sand is fairly inexpensive at a home improvement store. Pour sand into a clear sensory bin, have kiddo close their eyes or face a wall while you hide the seashells in the sand. Give them a shovel and pail and have them hunt around for all the treasured shells.


5. Paint a Seashell or Two

A seashell painted purple and red with a small paintbrush lying on top of it.

Painting seashells is always a hit! Now, I don’t necessarily recommend painting your family’s cherished seashells that you guys spent days collecting at Myrtle Beach. I mean you could… but definitely ask your kid if it’s okay to paint one first. You can find a pack of basic seashells at the Dollar Tree to paint.

Kid holding a large seashell up to their ear to hear the ocean.

BONUS ACTIVITY: Offer Seashells as a Coping Resource for Toddlers

If your little one is having a meltdown or having some anxiety, have them listen to the waves of the “ocean” as a mindful calming solution. I've found distractions that refocus the senses are super helpful for toddlers during tantrums!


Do These Activities Teach My Kid Anything?

You bet! While playing with seashells isn't necessarily going to prep your little one to be the next contestant on kid's Jeopardy... a lot of value comes from playing with seashells, including:

  • Sensory Exposure: Rough texture of the shells; grainy feeling of sand; playing in water

  • Intro to STEM: Pattern recognition; contrast & comparison

  • Creativity

  • Language Development

  • Imagination

  • Cause & Effect

  • Appreciation for Nature


What Do Seashells Have to Do with Mindful Memories?

Playing with nature finds, such as seashells is a way to connect little ones with nature. It's also reminds them that toys don't always have to come in plastic or have buttons that sing you the ABCs. There are so many toys that nature makes for all of us to enjoy— toddlers, adults, and people of all ages!

The toddler age is the perfect age to begin introducing kids to the concept of being mindful and aware of the many gifts the earth provides us. Obviously, you can't say that to a 2 year-old and expect them to understand it. However, nature play demonstrates this philosophy in a more comprehensible explanation for kiddos.

Pinterest Pin: Title reads, 5 Seashell Activities to Try with Toddlers. Below the title is an image of a kid's hand holding a purple toothbrush as they wash seashells in a sensory bin.

What ways have you noticed kids playing with seashells? Share in a comment below so I can add activities to this list and we can keep the fun going even longer!

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